The last two days have been pretty great, actually. The other night I sent my cousin Sasha a text message freaking out about my life, telling her I needed to see her as soon as she had time. I know, a little dramatic, but it's the only way I can get her attention. Funny, that's usually about the only way you can get one of the younger Shelton cousin's attention. I'm referring to Sasha, Jacqui, Karina, and myself. There's just something about the time I spend with my cousins and the things we talk about that make me proud and just feel better. One thing's for sure, we are known for telling it like it is. You know that comment everyone is thinking, but won't say? Yeah, we say it.
I met up with Sash yesterday at the Original Pancake House.. sorry, but IHOP doesn't hold a candle to this place. We ate so much.. she indulged in pumpkin pancakes that didn't actually taste like pumpkin--funny how that works..yet she crushed them, and I ordered blueberry pancakes. So I spilled my life to her, as I usually do. I can seriously tell her anything and for some reason she gets all the juicy details outta me. She never judges me and she has the life experience to give me sound advice that I actually feel ten times better on the drive home. I mean, I don't know what it is, but lately, when it come to relationships and men, I've just made the poorest decisions. Ask me at a later date what it means to be love drunk and I'd be happy to tell you. Oh yeah, I will say, however, never start dating a guy who is the carbon copy of your ex boyfriend. It's Ben all over again. But the good parts. I realize I like guys who like cars, or in this case his truck, his bike, good music with good beats, loves to spend time with family, loves Family Guy--yeah, really, likes to be lazy, but knows how to go out and have fun, can dress well, pays for me whenever we go out, has ambition for his life, sets attainable career goals, goes after what he wants, and the list goes on. I mean his mother is even Jewish! I love me some Jewish mothers.. Honestly, if I were to meet an attractive, successful Messianic Jewish man I would dieeeee. Let's date, court, swoon, take dance lessons, get engaged, whatever, just GET IN MY LIFE! I'm totally exaggerating...and ew! I sound desperate haha. A part of me just wants to be like PEACE OUT BOYS IM TIREDDD OF U. I just want to have fun with my girls. Bahh. I might change my mind tomorrow. I like that there is nothing holding me down at the moment.
I then went to dinner with Seye at Houston's, one of my favorite restuarants ever! It used to be one of Ben and I's places. Thank God everywhere is free range, now. Seye is one of my friends I've known since elementary school. He's probably one of the best dressed friends I have and he's actually a legit nice guy. But not one of those pansy nice guys who never gets what he wants and gets walked all over. He gets it DONE! :-) Hopefully I'll be meeting up with him and some others tomorrow night! He's possibly looking to attend grad school in Miami.. and um, be my guest, Seye! I will be more than happy to come visit. One thing that always makes me laugh.. he LIVES in Baltimore, WORKS in Arlington, is it? and goes OUT in DC and Bethesda..such a mess, I love it.
Today, I picked up my fabulous friend Theresa. She was literally my second friend at Liberty. She became one of my best friends fast. She's been in DC for a while doing her internship and then she also just finished up a semester working for the DOE. She is the most hard working women I have ever known, and so motivating. She is going to live with her parents for a few months in Seattle to take a much needed break. I may be going out there to visit her, so that should be fab. Theresa plays the hard working businesswoman who has little time for play, but I can't wait until she gets back out here so we can go out and she can 'let her hair down' and meet some men that are ACTUALLY worthy of her time. She's a pastry chef, she has long black hair, she's beautiful and curvy... GAH ok, I need to stop, this is not a personal ad for my best friend! Plus, she'd kill me if she were to come across this.
Finally, I went over to Katie's for some much needed chill time. I love going to her house to just chill on the couch. We eat way too much veggies and salsa, and always have at least one glass of wine, (looooove that!) but I love spending time with her, because she seriously knows everything.. about.. everything! Katie, I know you're reading this like, OMG SHUT UP! haha. Don't forget, next time I see you, we're TAKING PICTURES!
Tomorrow, it's chillin in Glen Burnie with my oldest sis, and then taking the Gremlin to my house for a sleepover while I, myself have a night out in Bethesda. <3
Promise And Performance
22 hours ago