Taking a slightly different approach in this whole blogging thing. There truly is never a dull moment in my life. Hmm, wait, yeah there was a time span of about a year that my life had little going on with it, but we won't think about that; it's boring. New beginnings are about to take place. We'll see how I handle it. I'd like to think I handle change better than I used to. I'm blessed in the people I've met, experiences I've had, and the lessons I've learned. No doubt they contribute to how I view things today, and make up who I'm going to be. I'm changing every single day. It takes a select few to really be able to keep up with me. I realize I'm usually outta my mind-crazy. Instead of trying to cover it up, I embrace it most of the time. If you can't handle it, I understand... you can keep it moving. It's too late right now to elaborate.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you can take what I dish out... there's just no tellin what I'll say... :)
Promise And Performance
22 hours ago